Solitaire 3D

Solitaire 3D on the iPhone, iPad & Android


Solitaire 3D is now available for the iPhone, iPad & Android!

The Android version contains both Phone and Tablet modes built-in.


Solitaire 3D for the iPad
Solitaire 3D on the iPad



Get the iPhone app here (free version) and here (full version).

Get the iPad app here (full version) and here (free version).

Get the Android app here (free version) and here (full version).


Or just seach the App Store or the Google Play Store for "GrassGames" (one word).



Here's a video of Solitaire 3D for the iPhone and Android




For comments, queries & technical support, go to the iPhone, iPad or Android forums.


For information about Solitaire 3D for PCs and Macs go to the Solitaire 3D home page.



Solitaire 3D for the iPhone and iPod Touch
Solitaire 3D on Android