BUG: game won’t play to foundation if there are blanks in tableau

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BUG: game won’t play to foundation if there are blanks in tableau

Post by nmiguyT »

Situation: You have a 4Hearts in foundation and 10 9 8 7 6 5 Hearts in tableau. You also have open spots in tableau. Game will NOT prioritize play-to-foundation. Instead it sends the 5Hearts back & forth to blank spots. FRUSTRATING!
Please update and make it so the Foundation is the PRIORITY.
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Re: BUG: game won’t play to foundation if there are blanks in tableau

Post by Aidan »

In some solitaires, moving cards to a foundation pile that is two or more cards higher than another similar foundation pile, can restrict playing moves, so there's a rule that it won't automatically move cards there in this scenario by design. Its not a bug.

You can also try changing the auto-play settings to full if its available for that solitaire.
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