iPhone 6s: Single tap unreliable

For all queries specific to the iPhone and iPod Touch versions of Solitaire 3D.
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Posts: 2
Joined: Oct 17, 2015

iPhone 6s: Single tap unreliable

Post by mbechdk »

Hello. I just changed from a 5s to a 6s and now the tapping works differently. Fx in "Twenty" I used to be able to move cards by a single tap, but now most of the cards need dubble tapping (but not all). I cannot predict which cards need single or dubble tapping. Most annoying. Any ideas?
Reinstall has been tried, but that gave no change.

Greeting from Martin, Denmark.
Posts: 2
Joined: Oct 17, 2015

Re: iPhone 6s: Single tap unreliable

Post by mbechdk »

Well, now I have updated to IOS 9.1 and everything is back to normal. Thanks for listening :-)

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