Distribution of Cards

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Distribution of Cards

Post by tcalvs »

Every since the update there has been something a miss with the distribution of cards and many moon etc, often only getting two suits.
Others have noticed it as well. Making playing the game a challenge.
Please, check in to it.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Dean6417 »

thank you so much for posting on this topic.
I have posted on several occasions regarding the exact same problem but have never received even the courtesy of a response from Aidan.
So good luck!

My subscriptions run-out in about 32-33 days and this is the prime reason that i won't be purchasing the "full" version,whatever that is.

For almost 2 years I and others have pleaded on this topic and others but have never had an acknowledgement from Aidan;what we do receive,as you will soon, is notification that somebody has posted.

Extremely frustrating!

I would like to know how he programs the dealing as well ; every time,and I do mean every time, that i hit the 1600's in ratings ,i plunge over 120 points without even looking like winning a game.Coincidence? not when it is every time!
I have won 8 games in a row then immediately lost 24 in a row. ?????

As a p.s, playing the bot when there are no other players that i wish to play with,( my "bot" partners are Scott, Pierre and Gabriela) the "practice distribution of cards is equally disproportionate. This tells me that there is an intrinsic problem with his base set-up.
Again Tara, good luck! it has always been a pleasure playing you,
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

The shuffling algorithm has changed in the last version due to the complaints mentioned. Personally I don't see how it can make any difference - they will be totally random deals each time, some times you will get bad cards and sometimes good ones, sometimes you will get a run of bad hands and sometimes not, as in real life.

Dean, the acknowledgements of posting are not from me, that's automatic from the forum system as you are subscribed to topics you create or have replied to - you can turn this off - check the "Notify me when a reply is posted" setting when posting.

Why anyone would think I would bother to programitcally fix each deal is beyond me, it would take loads of work and makes no sense from any point of view.

The shuffling algorithm now used in the game is the Fisher–Yates shuffle algorithm.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Dean6417 »

a personal reply after two years,Iam amazed.

You will forgive me I hope if i remain sceptical of the answer you have given.

In relation to the shuffling system: have you investigated other algorithms ?
There are complaints in nearly every game that i have played ,not just since the 2.8 system has been introduced, but for the almost 2 years i have been a member.
Bear with me for a minute Aidan,
for most honest,competitive players, it is NOT about winning the game;of course that is the objective, but rather it is how that win is achieved.
The key to what iam saying lies with the term "competitive".
The unfair, unequal distribution of cards takes away the ability to be competitive; that is what is frustrating Aidan,not losing!
At the conclusion of a hard fought, fair, close game, the unanimous comments are always one of satisfaction from every player involved.Of course the winner even more so, but all participants have enjoyed the game.
Unfortunately this has not been the case for the almost 2 years i have been paying to play here. With the exception of maybe a hundred games, and i have played several thousand now, the games are loaded towards one player and the scoring reflects this anomaly, e.g 8 versus 92, 90, 95 etc, you get my drift (i hope) Sometimes that player has been me. But, there is no pleasure in the win. History calls these wins a "Pyrrhic" victory.
Aussies call them Clayton's victories (named after an non-alcoholic drink,as in "the drink you are having when your not having a drink),i.e triumph without glory!.You have the means to accommodate all players ,simply be fair!

So Aidan, question my rationale as much as you like, but you are the game master and it appears that you have come up short again.

Cheers and all the best
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

To your two years of complaints, as I said the shuffling system used has changed in the latest version, so try it out for a while and see if things have changed any.

Also in every game for those complaining about bad hands there must be some players happy with the good ones they are getting.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Dean6417 »

I have acknowledged your latter comment in my earlier reply.
Unfortunately, tara's earlier complaint and my response to that posting is about the new system.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

Well I think its too early to judge it yet. Give it a month or so more. If anyone out there is happy with the hands in general it would be nice to hear from them also. Unfortunately people usually only post where they are not happy with something.

Also I don't see how things can be improved. Deals are totally random - they were in earlier versions also, its just the manner of implementation has changed in the latest version.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Dean6417 »

I appreciate your taking the time to be personal with this and despite my previous criticisms - and accolades - i acknowledge the difficulties you are probably facing daily in running a global game system , and wish to encourage you.

Personally iam a technophobe,but i know there are many people on here that have offered you assistance in the past, maybe if you liaise with them,while retaining your intellectual probity, you can make what has the potential to be a great game even better.

Cheers Dean
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

Ok sounds good. Always open to suggestions. Do not always have time that's the main problem.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Dean6417 »

Let me give you a tip Aidan, and believe me, people have paid thousands of dollars over the years for my advice, this one is free.

If this game is your main income stream and not a hobby , Make the time to get it right!
Do not be penny wise and pound foolish.
Focus on the big things!

This can be a great game, get it right and you may very well set yourself up for life, but : get it right!

regards and all the best
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

Advice heard and taken in.
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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

Some pertinent features coming to Hearts V3:

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Re: Distribution of Cards

Post by Aidan »

And here is a sample of the human shuffling in action on a sorted deck.

Overhand shuffle: A bunch of cards are picked from the end of the deck and added to the front in chunks.
Riffle Shuffle: The deck is split into two piles (around the middle) and these piles are weaved together (imperfectly) from top to bottom.

These are done many times, how much of each depends on the setting.

Code: Select all

Start:    ♥A23456789TJQK ♠A23456789TJQK ♦A23456789TJQK ♣A23456789TJQK
Overhand: ♣KJQ ♥A23456789TJQK ♠A23456789TJQK ♦A23456789TJQK ♣A23456789T
Overhand: ♦789TJQK ♣A23456789T ♠JQK ♦A23456 ♣KJQ ♥A23456789TJQK ♠A23456789T
Overhand: ♠9T834567 ♦6 ♣KJQ ♥A23456789TJQK ♠A2 ♦789TJQK ♣A23456789T ♠JQK ♦A2345
Riffle:   ♠9 ♥K ♠TA82 ♦7 ♠3 ♦8 ♠4 ♦9 ♠5 ♦T ♠6 ♦J ♠7 ♦Q6K ♣KAJ2Q3 ♥A ♣45 ♥2 ♣6 ♥3 ♣7 ♥4 ♣8 ♥56 ♣9T ♥7 ♠J ♥8 ♠Q ♥9 ♠K ♥T ♦A ♥J ♦2 ♥Q ♦345

Code: Select all

Start:    ♥A23456789TJQK ♠A23456789TJQK ♦A23456789TJQK ♣A23456789TJQK
Riffle:   ♥A ♠Q ♥2 ♠K ♦A ♥3 ♦2 ♥4 ♦3 ♥5 ♦4 ♥6 ♦5 ♥7 ♦6 ♥8 ♦7 ♥9 ♦8 ♥T ♦9 ♥J ♦TJ ♥QK ♦QK ♠A ♣A ♠2 ♣2 ♠3 ♣3 ♠4 ♣4 ♠5 ♣5 ♠678 ♣678 ♠9 ♣9 ♠T ♣T ♠J ♣JQK
Overhand: ♣5 ♠678 ♣678 ♠9 ♣9 ♠T ♣T ♠J ♣JQK ♥A ♠Q ♥2 ♠K ♦A ♥3 ♦2 ♥4 ♦3 ♥5 ♦4 ♥6 ♦5 ♥7 ♦6 ♥8 ♦7 ♥9 ♦8 ♥T ♦9 ♥J ♦TJ ♥QK ♦QK ♠A ♣A ♠2 ♣2 ♠3 ♣3 ♠4 ♣4 ♠5
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