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Quitting while hostng a game

Posted: Sep 05, 2014
by marekjoz
I observe lately some strange quits of some players, who host a game. Could you Aidan please investigate, if the punishment ofr quitting while hosting a game is properly calculated? Especially when host just closes an app?
When the host quits, the game freezes for long until all connection are rebuilded. During that time it happens, that other players quit as well. When I wait until all is rebuilded sometimes there is just Scott waiting for me with a frozen game and not calculated score.

Re: Quitting while hostng a game

Posted: Sep 06, 2014
by Aidan
Its very hard for the game to reconnect other players if the host quits. It tries, and will work sometimes, but its not fully reliable due to connection difficulties.

For the moment the best thing is to make sure quitters are not hosting the game.

Re: Quitting while hostng a game

Posted: Sep 06, 2014
by marekjoz
Thanks Aidan. Unfortunately it confirms my suspicions regarding behaviour of some so called "top players". I can only hope it won't even more divide the Hearts' community until you have finalized some effective workaround.
The good information at least is, that you already are aware, that there already are a few players who use this feature all the time and while hosting the game - do quit anytime they are losing especially that the score and ranking is more important for them than the fun of playing.