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Cheveree 4.00 and Cheveree Deluxe 4.00, please?

Posted: Jul 26, 2023
by yura04kizel
GrassGames, are you still working on Cheveree Deluxe? If so, then I have these ideas for version 4.00:

1. Adding 1-2 more worlds with 3-6 new level patterns (one of the new levels could be in space). But also, some of these new levels must include new ball tunnels - like in Shrine of Quetzalcoatl level from Zuma Deluxe, for example.
2. Adding the possibility to swap the ball color by pressing Right Mouse Button - just like in Zuma Deluxe, Luxor, Sparkle, and many other marble-popping games.
3. Adding some rebalancing changes (especially on Admiral difficulty), e.g. reduced ball color varieties on levels like: Level 3 of World 2, Level 3 of World 3, etc.
4. Naming levels and worlds (planets), like levels and stages in Zuma Deluxe, Luxor and Sparkle.
5. Fixing some bugs and issues (e.g. music name under the screen doesn't match with actual music playing on the level).
6. Making better and less-confusing ball colors as shown on this picture edited with Paint.NET: Ball colors by order are: black, purple, white, orange, green, blue, yellow, teal, red, brown.
7. Adding 1-3 additional game music tracks from any of these demoscene composers: Skaven (Peter Hajba of Future Crew), Purple Motion (Jonne Valtonen of Future Crew), Melin (Staffan Melin of Discord), Manwe (Alexander Matchugovsky of The SandS).

Re: Cheveree 4.00 and Cheveree Deluxe 4.00, please?

Posted: Aug 10, 2023
by Aidan
Thanks for the suggestions.

Alas, a new version of Cheveree is far down on priorities at the moment and too much to get done before that so unlikely anytime soon.

Re: Cheveree 4.00 and Cheveree Deluxe 4.00, please?

Posted: Aug 18, 2023
by yura04kizel
Anyway, here's the source where I happen to know about Cheveree for the first time when I was little:
It's on Russian language though, so I'm from Russia.