Version 3 Released!

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Version 3 Released!

Post by Aidan »

Version 3 is out!

For Macs and Windows users, get it from the download page.
Mac users can also get it in the Mac App Store.
The iPad version is available in the App Store.
An Android Tablet version is available in the Play Store

I've no plans to release V3 for the iPhone version or Android Phone version due to the hassle with tiny screens and network play being interrupted by phone calls.

Let me know all the problems here. Its a huge release and bound to be some issues. I hope ye all can still connect to each other ok - the networking system is totally new so we will see...

--- UPDATE ---

V3.11 has been released with updates to chat settings, visibility and fixes for iPad crashing
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by RSN123 »

I have tried Hearts V3. It plays quite well, smooth and fast. It opens and closes without issues as well.
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TIE Games

Post by steveamida »

In a tie games both should get same points...but I see no logic in the two losers getting a much larger penalty. The losers lose 8 points and the winners get 8...seems silly. Why does losing in case of a tie cost way more than losing with one winner?

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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by HowCoolIsThat »

Okay Aidan, with each new change you're getting closer to what we had in Version 2. Atta boy! But as nice as the view of an open farm field might look, we'd prefer to have that one-third of the screen back to use for chat or other more relevant items you might want to include. Some time ago, a few (or maybe just me) suggested showing the names of players who were off playing a game. Why would we want this info? Simple. Since there aren't thousands of people signed-up for Hearts 3 just yet, some of us could benefit from knowing if a player we routinely play against might be hanging around after they finish their current game to come back into the lobby. Otherwise, many of us see limited opportunity to scrounge up a game so we leave. ahhhhh, now you understand.
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by Aidan »

showing the names of players who were off playing a game
Its a good idea. I'll pop it into the todo list.
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Re: TIE Games

Post by Aidan »

steveamida wrote: Aug 11, 2022 In a tie games both should get same points...but I see no logic in the two losers getting a much larger penalty. The losers lose 8 points and the winners get 8...seems silly. Why does losing in case of a tie cost way more than losing with one winner?

This has been changed recently and losers should lose the same amount of points now as if there was just one winner.
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by steveamida »

Try deleting your old versions, download a new copy of latest version. Bet it works. Good luck.
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by sirus »

Thanks steve, You were right. I uninstalled version 3 and re-installed it. It worked. I dont know y it stopped to begin with,
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by steveamida »


Definitely getting there, thanks. One issue is that when the person at the 'top' of the table talks, that chat is blocked by the point box. Either the point box needs to be moved, like to upper left side, or the person at the top needs to have their chat cloud come out in other direction or some such.

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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by kirkwoodcruiser »

Curious to see what others think about the start options in Version 3. "QS Breaks" is set as the default, but I think most people don't like that option, so people won't start games until the host changes it to "No". It just slows down the start waiting for people to ask for the change and then waiting for the host to change it.

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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by cenalex67 »

Hi Aidan, can you fix the problem in photo? Only me cant read correctly the 5th column on the right?
Can You insert italian keyboard for a mine good chatting?
Thx Alex
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by Aidan »

Hi Aidan, can you fix the problem in photo? Only me cant read correctly the 5th column on the right?
Can You insert italian keyboard for a mine good chatting?
Both done in version 3.16 just released.
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Re: Version 3 Released!

Post by HowCoolIsThat »

Aidan, it appears the biggest "bug" in Version 3 is the number of active players has decreased. Way to go Buckaroo! Oh, BTW, there are other minor bugs such as players having to re-start a new game when someone doesn't hit the start game button quick enough, which TIMES-OUT something in your code. Oh, and when the person who initiated the new game quits, well, everyone is hosed and the game is stopped.
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