The different account types at GrassGames

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The different account types at GrassGames

Post by Aidan »

Just to clarify, as it can get confusing, there are three different account types here at GrassGames:

1) GrassGames Forum Account
This is an account used for posting messages or subscribing to threads on this forum and nothing more.

2) GrassGames Customer Accounts
This is an account or accounts you may have after purchasing the full version of the games from the website only (not from any App Stores). This is used solely for downloading and unlocking the full versions of the games that you have bought. Any keys to unlock games are displayed after you login to these accounts. You get your customer accounts details in an email after purchase.

3) GrassGames Network Account
This is an account you need to have in order to play Public Online Games within any games that support the new network games system (currently only the new beta versions of GrassGames' Hearts and GrassGames' Cribbage). You can sign up for a network account from within the games themselves only. The same network account can be used for all games that support the new network system, and the name you register with will show up in the online games themselves.

These three accounts are totally separate and not linked together in any way.
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