Monthly ranking

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Monthly ranking

Post by jbruch »

I think I have the solution to monthly rankings which reduces the advantage of being prolific. Use points per game but eliminate starting players at 1,000 as that skews the results. I pulled 10 players who were either in the top 5 of current monthly rankings and then pulled players in the top 30 with a winning percentage of 40% or better as it was clear they would likely crack top 10 on a PPG basis. Here are the results:

Code: Select all

Ranking  Player      GP   win%  Points (-1000) PPG    PPG Ranking
 1       Seadog      80   41%   199            2.49   3
 2       Kirkwood    95   32%   193            2.03   9
 3       Sirus X     81   40%   186            2.30   8
 4       Onapar      102  33%   174            1.71.  10
 5       SteveAmida  67   42%.  163            2.43   T4
 6       Cenalex     63   44%   160            2.54   2
13       SalehD      57   40%   132            2.32   7
15       IrishDan    51   41%   123            2.37   6
23       Z06         40   40%   097            2.43   T4
29       Ace         26   54%   080            3.08   1
Since the points awarded are based on tournament Hearts where all the players play the same number of games which keeps things equal without rewarding being prolific basing the monthly rankings on points per game is the way to insure you determine the best player. I know there are 2 players (Fingerprint and Giovani) that have winning percentages higher than Ace but I was unable to see them in my monthly rankings as they had not played enough games to be in the top 53 players as that is all I could see. I believe the monthly PPG ranking should have a minimum number of games played to qualify. I would propose you start with 30 games as that requires a player to average 1 game per day to qualify for the overall ranking. I think it would be good to show monthly rankings with the PPG ranking determining the order they are shown rather than total points.

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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by jbruch »

I should have also noted that Ace may not make the monthly ranking qualification of 30 games though this month started on August 7th when Aidan made version 3 active. If it were a full month I believe Ace would qualify.

It would be good to get input so Aidan can implement for September monthly rankings.

I would also take players that don't play enough games to qualify for the monthly ppg ranking and put them at the bottom of the rankings in order of total points accumulated.

I would also recommend the ppg ranking take effect 10 or 15 days into the month since some players may play no games in the first few days of the month.
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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by HowCoolIsThat »

Records are made to be broken...or, we'll just change the scoring system to keep everyone equal. Straight out of a communist manifesto.

Let's go back to Version 2 scoring, this new algorithm is clearly not well thought out.
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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by jbruch »

By all means keep the current scoring system that rewards participation rather than changing to a system that actually rewards the skilled players.

By all means participation trophies for all.
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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by birillone »

Please Aidan, change this silly method of monthly scoring. No possibility for those who play a smaller number of games to move up the rankings.
Better could be something similar to: +5 +1 +0 -5. Thanks, best regards
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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by Aidan »

Ok I've just changed things to 4 for a win, -1 for a place and -3 for a lose. Lets see how things go.
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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by Aidan »

I'm putting things back the way they were as of now. So the monthly rankings are back to 5 for a win, 1 for a place and 0 for a lose.
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Re: Monthly ranking

Post by birillone »

And why? I can't understand, This method is a filth!
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