total points deducted

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total points deducted

Post by Bulldog »

Hi Aidan,

Earlier this year I took a break from playing Hearts, but maintained my subscription membership throughout.

When I resumed playing in early November I discovered that my hard won ranking points,(hard gained over many years of play) had been completely deleted, only to be replaced with the customary 1500 allocated to new members.

I have subsequently Emailed you many times on this matter Aidan, but have not received any response from you at all, so I felt the only option left open to me is to raise it on the forum.

If GrassGames Hearts' Terms and Conditions include such a drastic punishment regarding "non participation" for several months, then I fully accept the deduction, but if they don't, then I, as would every other participating member, demand that my "stolen points" be re-allocated, together with the additional points I have subsequently accrued since November, thus reflecting my true points total and respective ranking position.

I look forward to your early response, and a quick resolution to this injustice.

GrassGames Hearts member for more than 10 years - Bulldog
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Re: total points deducted

Post by bohonu »


It seems only fair to return Bulldog's points he has been one of the top players on this Hearts site for many years.

Please reply to his request so we do not lose him as a player.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.


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Re: total points deducted

Post by Aidan »

I agree. Sorry I was away from GrassGames for some time.

What's the current situation Bulldog?
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